Bagiku Linux begitu mempesona, indah dan menawan, tapi Linux tetap murah, mudah, flexibel dan terbuka. Linux sangat cocok bagi semua kalangan, terutama generasi muda yang kreatif. Tak ada yang lebih bagus dari Linux, yang lebih mahal banyak...

Jumat, 31 Desember 2010

VLC media player

Posted by putralinuz 09.18, under , | No comments

VLC is the VideoLAN project's media player. It plays MPEG, MPEG2, MPEG4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, mp3, ogg/Vorbis files, DVDs, and multimedia streams from various network sources.
VLC can also be used as a streaming server that duplicates the stream it reads and multicasts them through the network to other client, or server the through HTTP.
VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio video formats, either for broadcastingpurposes or for movie format transformatios. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional audio plugins (vlc-plugin-pulse, vlc-plugin-sdl) or video plugins (vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc-plugin-ggi, vlc-plugin-svgalib). There is also a web browser plugin in the mozilla-plugin-vlc package.
License : Open Source
Price : Free

Senin, 27 Desember 2010

Merubah tampilan Ubuntu seperti Windows 7

Posted by putralinuz 13.37, under , | No comments

Tanpa babibu langsung aja ke TKP. Download Win2-7 Pack.tar.bz2dari setelah itu letakkan di home folder kamu. Klik kanan file tersebut dan pilih extract here. Tunggu sampai proses selesai. Setelah selesai cari folder Win2-7 Pack, buka dan double klik file, klik Run in Terminal. Trus ikuti aja petunjuk selanjutnya. Jika dah selesai, secara otomatis tampilan Ubuntu anda akan berubah seperti Wind*** 7. Selamat mencoba. Good luck....!

Audacious - An Advanced Audio Player

Posted by putralinuz 09.28, under , | No comments

Current release: 2.4.2 (December 7, 2010)


Audacious is an advanced audio player. It is free, lightweight, based on GTK2, runs on Linux and many other *nix platforms and is focused on audio quality and supporting a wide range of audio codecs.
Its advanced audio playback engine is considerably more powerful than GStreamer. Audacious is a fork of Beep Media Player (BMP), which itself forked from XMMS.
Audacious 2.4 default interfacePlease submit bug reports to your distribution unless you built the very latest version of Audacious yourself. We do not provide end-user support.

Install Canoscan LiDE 100 in Ubuntu

Posted by putralinuz 09.25, under , | No comments

To get this working, here are the steps to take:

1) You need some usb libraries, so, in a terminal type:

sudo apt-get install libusb-dev build-essential libsane-dev

2) To get the sane backends from git you need git-core. If you don't already have it, type this (also in a terminal):

sudo apt-get install git-core

3) Now use the git that was just installed to get the sane backends using the following command:

git clone git://

That downloads the backends and puts them in a folder called sane-backends in your home folder.

4) Change directory into the new sane-backends folder and compile them:

cd sane-backends

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var

make <--- this one takes a while

sudo make install

Now everything is installed, but you still won't be able to scan (except as root) until you set up some permissions.

5) You need to edit a file, but you need to be root to edit it, so:

sudo gedit /lib/udev/rules.d/40-libsane.rules

and add the following 2 lines:

# Canon CanoScan Lide 100
ATTRS{idVendor}=="04a9", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1904", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes"

save the file, exit gedit, exit terminal, reboot, and...

Instructions modified version of Shutter4U's post.

Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

Download Video Youtube di Ubuntu

Posted by putralinuz 16.24, under , | No comments

Untuk mendownload file youtube di Ubuntu sangat mudah. Tidak perlu repot-repot menggunakan program-program youtube downloader ataupun download manager. Tidak perlu pula susah-susah masuk ke keepvid atau yang lain. Berikut adalah langkah-langkahnya:
  • Buka file youtube yang akan di download
  • Putar sampai selesai
  • Buka folder tmp yang ada di File System
  • Cari file yang bernama flashxxxxx
  • Copy file tersebut dan letakkan di sembarang folder yang dikehendaki
  • Ganti nama file tersebut dengan ekstension .flv

It's here

It's here
Yang tidak sabar mencicipi Ubuntu 13.10
